mardi 16 juin 2015

Monday June 15th

My last day in Indiana! It doesn't feel like it's the end at all! I feel like I arrived a few months ago, not an entire year! I went shopping with teri mom and Delaney to get the last things I needed. Everything was fine until I had to find a pair of sunglasses! I had 2 choices, and I took 30 minutes to decide that I didn't want either of them! We stopped at Debrands, a fancy chocolaterie to get chocolates for my cousins, and I had my last steak shake.
I also bought gifts for the little Kitchen's.
To spend my last moments with my bestie Bri, we went to Auburn to get ice cream, to walmart to finally get a pair of sunglasses, and we stopped by the YMCA to say goodbye to Maddy and her mom. After a delicious last dinner that Teri mom cooked, I went back to the Kitchen's, and after having ice cream (3rd time this day!) we played kems all together! They all hugged me and said goodbye. I am going to miss these little goofballs so much! They brought joy and happiness in my life everyday!
And we ended the day the only way we know: we colored!

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