vendredi 5 décembre 2014

Friday December 5th
After taking my spanish test, the teacher gave us our grades before the finals (semestrielles américaines) we will have next week...and surprisingly, I have 99% in spanish! Which means A+!
I really didn't think I did so good!
speaking in front of the class
Then in government, I shared some of my chocolate with Hollabaugh who loved it! For once he said something nice about Switzerland! I also had to do a speech in his class about the Supreme Court case we had to search about...I think I didn't do too bad!
I had to work at the concession stand during the boys basketball game...there were moments with nobody and then 1 minute after, I had to run everywhere to be on time! I came back to the game 1 minutes before the end..we were losing by 3 points. However 14 seconds before the end, Landen shot from the 3 points line ..and made it! It was crazy in the student section! They added 4 more minutes. The other team had at least 3 times shots from the free throw line and they missed all of them! We finally won with some shorts from Cade. It was so intense! I think I actually was more tired after 10 minutes of cheering than after a whole practice of basketball! I dances, screamed, jumped... It was an awesome game!

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