jeudi 12 février 2015

Thursday February 12th
First day without being in the basketball team..kind of sad! Oh and I totally freaked out this morning because yesterday after practice, I put my watch and my rings in my pocket, and this morning I couldn't find them anymore! So I left earlier for school, and I walked all over the parking lot to see if it didn't fall somewhere...Nothing. Hopefully, as soon as I arrived at school, Bri told me that she found them in her car! Ouf! In ceramic class, I started to work with real clay. Until now I'd only do projects or take notes. We had to cut a square of clay and once it was all smooth and flat, we drew a picture on it with a knife. I am doing a bee...I hope it will look good! In my other art class, I started my new project, I'm painting an eiffel tower in a bottle...
I also had my first track practice! I was kind of scared, I thought we would run for 2 hours non-stop, that I would be dead after it...We actually started just running 5 minutes in the school (it's too cold to run outside), between the classes, in the hallways... Then we went to the gym where we had to push slides with weights on it. When I saw it I didn't think I was going to be able to make it move...and I actually was able to run with it! I was faster that certain boys!
After that we did the worst part of practice: sprinting! We ran 20 times, go and back in the 80m hallway. It doesn't sound a lot but sprinting non stop 20 times is hard!
We finished by doing abs. A good way to be back in good shape!

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