mercredi 5 novembre 2014

Wednesday November 5th
I said, a lot of food ! (And not the healthy one!)
I think I can call that an emotional day! First basketball practice, I played really bad, I couldn't defense good... Even if the coaches told me it was good, I was so mad at myself! I knew I could do ten times better.. The good point is that at the end for the first time I did a 3 point shoot! I was so proud of myself!! It helped to feel better after the practice! Right after practice everybody dressed up for the fall sport banquet... it's a banquet for all the athletes who played a sport on the first season. And as I played volleyball I was here too! First the athletic director talked about all sports and then we ate. It was a huge banquet! A super long table, full of food! I took 2 plates full of food! One for salty one for sweet...I felt so bad to eat so much! But it was just so good! Then coaches gave awards to best athletes. We finally went to another room, each sport went somewhere. Our coaches made really touching speeches about how proud of us they were, how good we played and how much they were exiting to see us next season.. It made me SO SAD! Because there won't be any next season for me..And then the coach gave everybody a participation diploma to prove we played. And finally Paige gave 3 persons a special award: Reagan had one for never give up, Tess for improvement and I GOT ONE!!!!! I got THE ATTITUDE AWARD !!! I was just so proud, so happy...I couldn't describe it! It was amazing!
At the end, we went to the coaches to say thank you for everything. It meant the end...I was just so sad, emotional..I couldn't keep my tears..and I cried like a little baby.
I was so proud to be able to play in this amazing team, with this amazing team... I loved it and I will never forget it !

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