vendredi 8 août 2014

Friday 08th of August
Test's day !
First in government, a surprise test about the actuality. There were so many questions about US actuality, I couldn't answer them ! I only had 3/20 so a D...
Then 2 tests in English, 1 about the story we had to read and the second one about ten vocabulary words we had to learn. I think I will have a good grade!(I hope so)
Then I did a chemistry lab and in History I had a test again. The same that I did in government before ! But I didn't remember all the answers so I had a B (which is better). The volleyball training was very fun because we didn't really play volley games, we played... unitl the last 40 minutes. We did abdomen (abdos) during 6 minutes, 50 push ups (pompes) and we developed the muscle of our arms during a very long time. It hurted everywhere ! But at least the training is shorter than the other days (« only » 1h30).
Now I'm just so tired !!!

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